For the first time, a GTA game could find its most shocking inspirations in real life. Throw in South America as a rumoured location, and you have some great material there in the form of real life Cold War proxy wars, shady CIA activities, and the War on Drugs. Early rumours suggested the new game would reach back into the 1970s, with the game set across multiple decades. And when it comes to classic mob movies – especially ones set in Miami – there isn’t really anything left to be inspired by. The problem is that GTA games are often based on movies, be that Scarface here, or Goodfellas in GTA: Liberty City. There’s still a lot of scope to riff on the ‘80s. As per the original GTA: Vice City (set in 1986) cocaine was everywhere. Margaret Thatcher cut off kid’s milk, sold off industries and gave bankers a boost.

Arnie and Sly Stallone built new models of muscular masculinity. The 1980s was one of the most… interesting decades in recent memory.
View full post on Youtube That ‘80s Flavour For many gamers, just being able to spend time there again will be exciting enough. So, by all means let’s go to South America, but also, let’s celebrate Vice City and dig into that locale properly, too. The original Vice City, spread over three islands, offered a range of locations, but wasn’t overly big, allowing a feeling of intimately knowing every street and emergency escape route. Rumours have persisted for a while now that GTA: 6 might actually dip into multiple locations, and even multiple countries with one rumour suggesting parts of the game will take part in South America. Which means alligators, hovercrafts and shotgun-toting moonshiners. And, if fictional Florida is going to be our home base, Rockstar are almost certain to expand the map to include Everglades-like swamp land similar to what we’ve seen in GTA: 5. proxies of almost every game since, a return to the pastel shades, sun-bleached alleys and crummy motels of Vice City will be a welcome shake-up. Which is refreshing for all kinds of reasons. But, as mentioned above, leaks strongly suggest Vice City will play a role. Have Vice City be one of the locations if you want but my hope is that GTA 6 will be primarily set somewhere completely new and a place that’s built for gameplay, not just copying scenes from Miami Vice.Rockstar Games ain’t saying nuffin’ about where the next outing will be set. Think of it this way, if they announced it was set in the modern day and not the 80s how much would that affect your interest? Quite a bit I would imagine and for good reasons.

But I do know that the original Vice City wasn’t that great and that the idea of going back doesn’t hold any interest to me in terms of the setting.

Now, obviously I’m talking about Rockstar, one of the most successful developers in history, and I’m a know-nothing nobody, so if you’re reading this and thinking I don’t know what I’m talking about then perhaps you’re right. The only thing I think most people know Miami for is the beaches and you can obviously make that a big part of it all, but it’s pretty hard to drive on a beach so that doesn’t really help when it comes to GTA’s bread and butter gameplay. I just don’t see how a generic looking American city, with flat geography and not many memorable landmarks is going to fly today. Every obvious idea has been done multiple times by this point and just driving around a city no longer has quite the excitement it used to, as anyone’s that played Saints Row will be able to tell you. There have been a lot, lot more open world games since 2002 and people have a lot of expectations and demands.